The dirt road certainly had some breathtaking moments and I was very happy no big trucks came down since most of the way there was barely enough space for us to feel secure. Needless to say Mum was freaking out thinking she was going to have a heart attack or faint or something.
Rising from the lush valley floor up the mountainside the vegetation changes to very dry pine forest and as we got to the Heckman Summit at 1524mts the full devastation of the pine beetle infestation was quite midblowing. This beetle has over the last ten years destroyed almost 65% of this Province's forests. A huge fire had just weeks ago taken out a large swath of the trees on either side of the road so at times it was like driving through a martian landscape.
After Heckman Summit the road flattened out to a rolling, bog-lake type of smaller tree look. From here it was dirt road until we got to Anhim Lake. Our next stop was Nimpo Lake where we have a log cabin for two nights. This is a very pretty spot that is right on the water with Loons and Beavers under the deck. The rain set in and we went back to Anhim to get food supplies since this all self catering and there are no restaurants open anywhere round here till the Spring .....they (well it) closed today for the Winter. The store has the motto on the front that says "If we don't have it you don't need it." I really needed a vegeburger and they didn't have any so there!
Tomorrow we will try and get a flight over the Hunlen falls, Rainbow Range and the glacial icefields of Tweedsmuir so here's hoping the weather clears up and that my sore throat does the same.
......some time for R&R from the go go of the road.
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